Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tonight, Tonight Won't Be Just Any Night

Make of our hands, one hand,
Make of our hearts, one heart.
Make of our vows, one last vow;
Only death will part us now

My title is from the song "Tonight" from West Side Story. And tonight wasn't just any night for us, because we went to see the play. So come along with me and watch some highlights. We will start with a picture of the audience right before the play started. In the front is Phil and our friend Linda. The last two pictures are in the cast receiving line after the play. Our beautiful friend Dorothy, and another actor examining the "blood" on his shirt from the fight scene. It was great fun, and we had forgotten how many popular songs came from this one play. "Maria", "I Feel Pretty", and "Somewhere" among them. The original producer of the first play was begged by many people to quit wasting her time on this play, that it could not possibly succeed because it was a show full of hatefullness and ugliness. Guess she showed them. Of course the show centers around the doomed love of Maria and Tony, pictured in my header. And the words at the top are from the duet where they declare their love for each other. Unfortunately, death did part them, due to people's intolerance for other's differences. But death will never part us from our Lord, and in our new life, differences will not matter anymore, because we will all be transformed. Too bad we will have to wait till then to see such unity.

"But there's far more to life for us. We're citizens of high heaven! We're waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthly bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him." Philippians 3:20,21


MaryMoh said...

That's a lovely show but so sad ending. It's a long time I have not been to a lie show. My best was when I watched 'The King's Speech' the other day....really good.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi G! I'm back and here to stay for a while. I love your header for today. WSS is one of my favorites. We went to see one of the road shows in San Francisco a few years ago. What a wonderful day that was.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

West Side Story has been one of my very favorites since I was a little girl.

From the Kitchen said...

Was that a high school performance? Our neighborhood high school did it several years ago and what a great show it was. So much talent to support. Sounds like a very entertaining evening.


Tracy said...

I love West Side Story; well, I love ALL musicals and enjoy going to see them in person. This is one of my favorites.
The kids seem so happy to be performing and I do hope they took the lesson of this story to heart.
Thanks so much for sharing...

gemini said...

Wow, Ginny you've enjoyed life to the fullest and you've got to see The West Side Story. Great day for you and your loved ones. God bless and more sunny days ahead.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

beautiful pictures Ginny....great post....I don't know the play but it does look like something worth watching.

LC said...

I loved West Side Story. It is a "whole Kleenex box" musical for me. A really ambitious project for a local group. It looks like they had good community support. Enjoyed this post and am grateful for the accompanying scripture. Was that from The Message version?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, Ginny, these came out really really good, I would have thought in the low light not so, but they are great and I enjoyed the 'show' a lot, wish i had been sitting there with you. what fun, when i saw the header i thought OH my a wedding, where has she been this time. great post

Reanaclaire said...

The actor and actress look very professional like.. i m sure you enjoyed yourself ..

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have always enjoyed West Side Story. Glad you got to see it live, it is great in that format. Have a wonderful day today!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I just love how you weave the scripture into every daily occurrence.Yes,one day we will be reunited,in perfect love.

Stephanie V said...

And now I've got that song running around in my head. Good thing I like it!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Ginny, I love West Side Story... I have had the album/CD for many years. I am a huge fan of all of those old musicals. I know every single song from West Side Story--and have sung many of them.

I'm so glad you got to go to that one... I would have LOVED it...

photowannabe said...

WestSide Story is one of my all time favorite musicals. A modern day Romeo and Juliet. Its sad that man's inhumanity to man is so destructive. Our only hope is in the Lord.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Great pictures - and I love that show :)

RoeH said...

West Side Story is good whenever and wherever it is played. I never get tired of it. And this looked like lots of fun.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny...
Love the scripture...Thanks for sharing.
Pictures are Great. You must have had some pretty good seat to be able to capture such great shots.
I know you enjoyed yourself to the fullest...
My email address is
Thanks for your comments today and I will be looking for your email.
Enjoy a fabulous weekend

Chatty Crone said...

You are so lucky - wish I could have gone to see it with you - it looked great. Love the songs. Glad you had FUN! sandie

Mary Bergfeld said...

I have always loved the music for West Side Story. I'm so glad that the story and it's music is being kept alive. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

LV said...

Thanks for letting us enjoy the play with the young folks with you.

Ann said...

I must be the the odd one. While I like the story behind West Side Story I never did like musicals. Your pictures turned out great. I bet you had a fantastic time

Glenda said...

Aren't you glad we know how our story ends?!! The Scripture offers wonderful hope!

srp said...

The story line is the same as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.... for modern.. or what was modern when I was a kid... times. Lots of great songs....

George said...

Thanks for sharing your evening at the theater with us. It's nice to know that musicals like this are stll being put on.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love this musical. When I was in high school one of our english teachers had us write a report comparing West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet.

Kerrie said...

Neat Ginny! I love live shows!

Regina said...

I remember that..and the musical film they did later with Natalie Wood, Rita Marino and Richard Beymer (had to check), but all based on Romeo an Juliet.. but you saw the play? How fun!! Its amazing when you think of the music like you say..and with Leonard Bernstein (never gave him much of a thought when I was younger). I like the verses you selected..seems life is a constant struggle with division.. passing through these doors until we reach the other side! I'm glad you got to enjoy this!! Love your header too!

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Ehmm, performances are very romantic. They are very beautiful and handsome. I like articles that talk about the local culture as above.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I missed so many posts! Loved going through all these photos. The protagonists look adorable!!

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