Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Magic Returns

This weekend, we passed by the alpaca farm again, and they had babies! They are the little white ones in my third and fourth pictures, I guess they are half grown now. I could look at alpacas forever. They have been around at least 6,000 years and are native to the Andes Mountains of South America. Their fleece makes a lightweight and warm fabric that is as soft as cashmere. The Incans called it "fiber of the gods." They measured their wealth by how many alpacas they owned. Every single alpaca born here must be blood typed and registered. At one time, alpacas were thought to be magical. And they do have large, childlike, magical looking eyes, almost hypnotic to look at. They will usually run up to see me, as they are friendly, gentle, and curious. And one more thing. The mothers hum to their babies. Does it get any better than that?

"Ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you...which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:7


Karin said...

Ginny, these are adorable! They don't spit like the llamas do, do they? I've never seen these up close! The variety of things our Father has created just takes my breath away!

Ruth Hiebert said...

THese guys are so cute.Thier wool sounds wonderfully soft and warm.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, The Alpacas are just adorable. You got some great pictures of them. I love seeing the babies.... SO precious!!! Thanks for sharing..

Glenda said...

Love, love these photos! I don't think I've ever seen a real one, but they are so very cute! Thanks for sharing!

LC said...

I have never seen these remarkable animals in person and this is the first time I have ever seen a photo of the babies. They are just look so cuddly. Reckon the reason they come up to you is that they think you are their Aunt Ginny? Such an appropriate Scripture. Thanks for sharing these!

Arti said...

Never seen these creatures... They look so so cute!! And Yes what better than your mother humming for you!!
Have a great day:)

pam said...

They look so squeezable...I've always wondered how they would feel to hug. The humming moms is pretty cool.

Regina said...

They are truly beautiful animals and really enjoyed the background. The expressions of them in your header look so human like and funny. I find the softness of the fleece fascinating. We actually have a farm here on the Big Island too.
Anyway..the photos are precious!

SquirrelQueen said...

How adorable the babies are, those little faces are so sweet. You are so lucky to have this farm so close, you can enjoy these sweet creatures and we can enjoy your photos.

From the Kitchen said...

I just want to give those babies a hug--not wear them!


Reanaclaire said...

so they are called alphcas.. yes, they really look cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i oooohhh and ahhhhhed and ooooooh and ahhhhhed on each and every one of these, can't even pick a favorite. i want to kiss the face in the last one and the two that look like they are kissing made me smile so big it hurts and your header made me so happy i had trouble getting to the rest of the post. i want to see them for real. so precious and sweet.

Kim, USA said...

I see kissing Alfalfa, amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
ABC Wednesday-G

Gloria Baker said...

absolutely nice pictures! gloria

Beverly said...

Those little guys are so cute! Are they far from Waynesboro? I want to see them when I come. I'm going to leave on the 21st, I hope, and will be there for only a week. I'm waiting for gas to hit $4.00 a gallon. (Sarcasm intended.)

George said...

Alpacas are definitely cute, and I like your pictures. You've done a great job capturing these adorable animals.

Jeanne said...

I love alpacas but have never been up close to one. I'd sure love to be able to touch one - they just look so soft! And I had never heard that they hum to their babies. How sweet!

Shug said...

Good Afternoon Ginny....I thought those were llamas at first. They are beautiful and I love their cute faces. Now isn't that precious that they hum to their babies. Pictures are great and I absolutely love the scripture. You are such a Blessing to me!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - they are so cute!!! And those big brown eyes. You live near them - that is so wonderful. They hum to their babies - yes we could learn from the animals.


Tracy said...

Oh goodness Ginny, are they just adorable...oh my, I just want to run up and hug them like a teddy bear; they look so soft and fluffy! And the mothers hum to them? How fascinating! I think the babies are very precious. Great photos!

So you are an only child, huh? Ummm, I always wondered if Nicholas would grow up to dislike that he's an only child. He claims now he loves it because he doesn't have to compete with anyone and he enjoys playing along, but I still wonder.

Remington said...

Alpacas are Beth's favorite. She spins their fur up and makes really cool stuff. It is very soft!

Ann said...

I love the pictures of the alpacas. That 4th one is just adorable. I've felt their wool before too, it is soooooo soft. I was at a craft fair once that had a booth with nothing but items made with alpaca wool. I would have loved to have bought a few things but it was quite pricey

LV said...

I really enjoyed your post today. Seeing all these little animals going through various stages was wonderful.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Those 'babies' are so adorable!!! They look so soft too!! :-)

Hope you're having a Great week, Ginny! Hugs ~ Coreen

Doris Sturm said...

What a lovely post, Ginny, especially the scripture on the bottom - just made me weep with joy!

Aren't they just the most adorable creatures? I've saved some photos to my computer because one day I shall like to crochet one ;-)

I always loved to look at camels, Llamas and of course, Alpacas...their faces are just adorable. They look so clean and huggable. I've heard that camels stink, but their faces are a hoot, especially when they chew with their cheeks moving from side to side, keeps me in stitches!

I wish I could visit an Alpaca farm, I'd stay there and make friends with them all (whilst Gizzy would bark at them till he lost his voice LOL)

I'm just such a big animal lover and really see God's marvellous works in all creatures great and small!

Thank you, my dear friend :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Oooh, Aaawh! How totally cute and cuddly those Alpaca's are! Great photographs, too! Have an excellent day tomorrow!

srp said...

They are adorable... I wonder if they tend to spit at you like the camels do.... don't you just want to hug and squeeze them?

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, that was nice. I didn't know that about llama's!

Kerrie said...

I just love their faces, I could kiss them! (even though I know they have been known to spit-ha!) They are absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing, your photos are wonderful!♥

Anonymous said...

Ginny, I've never seen them! They look so sweet and so gentle. Thanks for posting these lovely pictures!

Sandy said...

Great pictures! Makes me want to hug the babies.

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