Saturday, March 12, 2011


Time is too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love,
Time is eternity.
Henry Van Dyke

Yes!!! We just finished setting all the clocks forward an hour!! More beautiful light, no more having to go out in the afternooon when it's already dark!! Two times a year I feel as If I've actually been given extra time, and this is one. We have a lot of clocks to change, two on the two ovens, six other clocks, and the phone. No, these pictures are not the clocks in my house, though I wish some were. They are various clock pictures I've taken at different places. It seems like it takes an eternity to track ours all down and turn them forward. But then, we do have eternity in our hearts.

"He has made everything beautiful in it's time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. " Ecc. 3


SquirrelQueen said...

I love all those clocks especially that first one.

I just finished changing all of our clocks too and I know what you mean Ginny, it does seem like it takes an eternity to set them all.

Ann said...

that is a very cool collection of clock pictures. I love that first one. It will be nice to have it stay light out later into the evening but I really dislike losing an hour off of my weekend :)

Yuni Murharjanti said...

I always feel time is running too fast!. Wake up and do my work, suddenly did not feel the time is late afternoon. One week was going too fast. As I write this not feel has entered the Sunday afternoon. And tomorrow morning the children have to go to school, and we drown in our own routines. I do not know whether I am chasing or being chased by time?. 24 hours a day walking so fast.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your clock pictures! I've only heard about this...setting your clock back by an hour. We don't have anything like that! So it's nice to actually read about it.

Like the commenter before me, I also feel that 24 hrs isn't enough! So much to do around the house. I'm watering twice a day now. Just brought in the washing. Thought I'd quickly check out blog posts before I fold the clothes...

Have a great Sunday!

DawnTreader said...

That first clock made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that! :D
We don't change to daylight savings time here for another two weeks. My feelings about it are different than yours, I don't think we really need it here. But then looking at the globe just now I realized how much further south you are. Virignia is like the South of Spain to me... While where I live would be like mid Canada to you... So to speak. We get long days and short nights in the summer anyway.

RoeH said...

I want that first clock. LOVE it!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love your creative post for today and time!

Bobbie said...

I love the first clock!! This time of year is always uplifting for me. I love longer days. Have a great one, Ginny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What an assortment of time pieces.When it comes to this time of year,I am thankful that many of the clocks in my house are radio controlled.This means I do not have to set them and they are always right.This is my idea of a good time pice.

Kerrie said...

Neat post Ginny!

Remington said...

I think I need that first one! ha ha! Great post!

S. Etole said...

What a variety of clocks. I like that verse from Ecclesiastes.

Karin said...

Those photos of all the clocks are great! My favorite is the first one! Except for at work where things are on a schedule, it really doesn't matter to me what time it is. The routine of each day is almost in our blood, lol! Love that first verse - so true.

I love the time changes - SPRING ahead and FALL behind! For some reason I simply cannot relate to people who say they 'lose' an hour of sleep. I simply go to bed an hour earlier - if I'm tired that is - and have not 'lost' an hour of sleep.

Have a wonderful Lord's day and be blessed!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I guess I'm more pessimistic about the time change. I don't like it... It messes up my body for days!!!! In spring especially we LOSE an hour of sleep (unless we go to bed earlier or sleep later)... I just don't think we need it. But--that's just me!!!

Love all of your clocks though.

srp said...

I know the light in the evening is right... but that darkness until 7AM is for the birds... really, for the birds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

every year since they started this time change thing that i do so hate, i have always changed the clocks before we go to bed. this morning at our regular time of 4 am we woke up and i sat straight up and said I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE CLOCK. did not matter we were not going anywhere that time of the morning. but it did feel like i lost and hour . this is the one i hate the most and makes me crazy for about a month trying to adjust. the dogs don't like it either. the first ball game of the day for Jake is 6:30 today it was 7:30 . i want to move to a state that does not change the time. Like AZ, so look out AZ i maybe be on the way
I love that whatever clock

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a terrific stream of pictures. Couldn't be more perfect as a prop to usher in DST. Have a wonderful day, Ginny.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, not to worry. Approval is set only for posts other than the current day. It's the only way I'd know for sure that comments had been added to older posts. I don't know why you couldn't comment on today's post, however. I did a quick test and I can do it without a problem. I check more thoroughly when I get a minute. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Timely message. Love the clocks. Have a wonderful day today!

Tracy said...

Yes, I love this day for the extended sunshine :)
and yes, my dear waking up with Angel-Kitty and Hurricane was certainly a rude awakening...however, the going underground didn't last long at all! Just until I sat down and she curled up on my lap...geez, what does she expect? forgiveness?
yeah, I'm such a softie...

Regina said...

That's one of my favorite Ecc. you know I came so close to using the same quote..I'd been tossing around time but with a different angle. We don't set ours back but I could see if we did- just how many we'd have to!

Stephanie V said...

Daylight savings time should be year-round.

BTW, I want that 'whatever' clock.

Chatty Crone said...

I hadn't heard that poem in so long - enjoyed it.
I really loved that first clock - I need one!
I am tired - time changes bother me - my husband thinks it's in my mind, but I don't! lol


SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ginny, not to worry about the moderated comments on my blog. It is set to moderate any posts older than one day. It's not that I'm worried about spam or such but I don't want to miss someone's comment. Some folks will leave a comment on posts up to a week old and I want to be sure to visit them.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are you heading to your day light saving?

We will have an extra hour to sleep as we head towards winter.

For his run, we pay $15 for adults and $10 for children. In most cases, companies sponsor their employees and families by giving a free Tee shirt and a BBQ after. I went on my husband's work team. It was a good & cheap way to advertise.

My husbands company just gave them their company Tee Shirt, it doesn't say it is for Round the bays. Rather a cheap way of promoting the company. But my husband says they gave us very good Tee shirts that breath.

I wore it to school today, to talk to the kids. Some kids went on the run too.

70,000 is a lot of people. This is the spirit of New Zealander.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I was tempted to throw a sickie today, my legs still hurt. I wanted to edit my book, but I didn't. May be I will go for a massage.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Oh how I love the extra sunlight too!! :-) Have a wonderful new week, Ginny, Full of Sunshine!!
~Coreen xoxo

LC said...

Great post for clock-changing day!

Annie Jeffries said...

I've seen that first clock in catalogs. I LOVE that clock; it reflects one of the dominant moods of my life. A shrug, a lifting of hands and eyebrows. Sometimes life and its rush just must not be taken too seriously.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I yawned all day today as I missed that hours of sleep I lost last night! It will be nice to see daylight longer in the evenings.

PS: The kangaroos seemed very tame and timed. There were zookeepers in the walkabout monitoring them and their guests so no one would come too close and clash :) I was amazed how high and strong they jump!

Fred Alton said...

Most unusual clocks I've ever seen - even in pictures! Time is of the essence. And "My times are in His Hands."

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...