Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tonight we were chased by the police and questioned. All for you, dear readers. The day started out quite simply with the family gathering for my birthday. I told them that no matter where we were at 7:45, I wanted to go and take pictures of the Super Moon, as it is being called. This is because it is closer to the earth than it has been in many years. It would be huge. So this evening found me with Phil, our son, and little granddaughter beside a big field on the edge of town by a Food Lion. This is the only place where you can get a clear view of moonrise without buildings or trees in the way. But it is also heavily patrolled by the police because of vandalism. We were chased off twice by the police. We came back. Then, just as the beautiful big moon came up, so did the police. With lights blazing. My son's comment? "Oh no, the police car lights are going to ruin mom's moon pictures!" That's my boy!! After giving the policeman our story, he wanted our license and registration to run through the system. He finally left us alone to snap in peace. I wanted to take the policeman's picture to show you, but my son said he would have arrested us all for sure. Our little granddaughter will have a great story to tell about celebrating grandma's birthday!! It actually made me feel rather young and daring, being in trouble with the law and all. A band of outlaws on a blamy spring evening. Not bad for 62! A birthday celebration to remember.

"Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Isaiah 46:4


D said...

Ginny, congratulations on getting the photos! we too went down the hill to where we might get a clear glimpse east, but although we are clear to the west, clouds were to the east. Thanks for allowing us to enjoy the super moon through your eyes.

Doris Sturm said...

Ginny, you are such a dare devil - LOL - and a very happy belated Birthday to you...this will be one for the books - imagine that, you of all people, in trouble with the law...what a dumb police officer - he's got noooooo gut instincts or else he would have known better than to harass you!

Lovely moon photos, indeed. With you taking all those great photos, I don't have to LOL because my camera does not capture the moon as well as yours. Thanks so much and again, all the best and Many Happy Returns for another wonderful year! You are the best!

p.s. this is almost as good as a story as your getting-lost posts with hubby in questionable neighborhoods LOL

Yuni Murharjanti said...

I wish I could see supermoon last night. But unfortunately, heavy rains fell in my town all night. Well, lost is the opportunity to see the natural phenomenon of 18 years once. But I'm a little glad to see supermoon on your blog.

S. Etole said...

A celebration not to be forgotten ... it was too cloudy to see the moon here. Hope your birthday was enjoyable!

Arti said...

Oh Ginny... That is so daring of you, and yes you would have probably been arrested for asking him to pose for you,lol!!
This is a tremendous story, for us and for your granddaughter!!
Beautiful moon shots, mine came out very badly, with all the highrises blocking the view!
Have a relaxing Sunday:-)

Yasmin said...

This is a story you can pass down for generations! What a way to remember your birth! Congradulations at becoming one year wiser! All the best,


pam said...

That is funny. We had rain moving we had to settle for what we saw on Friday night. We'll look Sunday night and hope to see it shining brightly. Good memory for 62!

Regina said...

It's too early to quote McCartney's song "Will you still love me". A big Happy Birthday to you!! Well, that was some adventure (I think I'd feel the same as you)..too much, but your son was probably! I had a feeling it was going to be over something with camera! I really dislike buildings and any kind of obstruction in mine too. Not always easy. Your moon series looks terrific as usual and's a super moon tonight. It was rained out all day and became very clear with minimal clouds and feels nice and cool out.
I'm glad you had a nice family time anyway-

Anonymous said...

Such a cute post Ginny and a bit daring behavior, I might add! It was all worth it - incredible photos.

DawnTreader said...

I bet that policeman had a bit of trouble accounting for his evening. 'Well, sir, I nearly arrested this 62-years old woman for trying to shoot the moon, but...'

SquirrelQueen said...

Okay, I now have this picture (or movie) in my head of you and your gang :) evading the police while trying to capture your moon photos! Maybe I have watched too many chase scenes in movies!!

Great photos of the Super Moon and thanks for sharing because it clouded up here just before moon rise.

Ann said...

Well didn't you have an exciting birthday adventure :) I looked outside last night and couldn't see the moon at all, it was way too cloudy. Figures.

From the Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday my friend! Don't forget to celebrate for at least a month. Your moon shots are great and I'm glad you defied the law to get them. If you are ever arrested, use your dime to call me and I'll send out a request to "blog land" for money to meet your bail. Phil's too!!


Fred Alton said...

Oh! What Fun! I'm sure you and those with you will remember this incident for a long time to come...perhaps every time they see a full moon, this story will be re-told. Poor innocent Phil being quizzed by the police, his terrorized grand-daughter next to tears because of the harsh law-man's face, while grand-mother does her daresome photography stunt! ☺☻☺

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, what moon pics! Sorry you got hassled a bit.
I'm in the Blue Ridge too, just below Roanoke.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely! And I'm really not surprised that you were chased off by the police!;)) But thank you for the photos! Our weather was bad so I didn't bother to check. And the moment I read about the Super Moon in the papers, I knew one thing for sure...Ginny will have the pictures!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You are my kind of woman,going to great lengths to get the desired picture.Can you imagine the story that officer sheared back at headquarters.That's priceless and BTW you did get good shots.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

superb moon shots PLUS a brush with the local Law!!!! wow! BwakBwak i can say i have never ever had a brush with the law, but i did ride in the back seat of a police cruiser, i hated it being in the cage, car broke down and two officers gave me a ride home. did i say i hated it? so glad i did not have to fly to VA to bail you all out. ha ha. and you did get the super moon super shots. fun post and i am wondering what there is to vandalize in a vacant spot like that.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a funny story to remember! Love the pics!

Stephanie V said...

Yes, the moon was fantastic, wsn't it! We had a reare clear night to see it. Funny to think that as I'm admiring it, you and your family are being rousted by the cops! Ha-ha! Happy Birthday to you!

M. Reka said...

What a moon shots, hope your birthday was enjoyable!
Short Poems

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Good for you! I am so glad you got your moon pictures. Have a wonderful day today!

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad you didn't get arrested!
You got some great pictures, though!
A memorable birthday for sure!♥

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

First I want to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! Secondly thank you for the pictures of the Moon. I knew for sure you would get some pictures. I knew I was going to miss this gorgeous Moon because we have had rain for days here in Northern California. Not complaining though because when it does stop and Spring finally settles in it is going to be GORGEOUS around here!

The story behind the pictures is just too funny. I would have felt a little rebelious and daring myself. This is going to make for some great memories.

Have a blessed week!

Neal said...

We could be looking at your photo with numbers across the bottom. :) It's good to add a little excitement to your life. :)

Tracy said...

Well, you didn't tell us it was going to be your b'day...sorry I didn't get to wish you a special day but it sounds like you handled the 'special-ness' all on your own! I love your Thelma and Louise attitude :)
We got to see the moon last night and it was are your photos!
Have a blessed day!

Jenn Erickson said...

Happy birthday Ginny!

I'm glad you didn't end up having to spend your birthday in the slammer to get those incredible photos ;-)

Warmest wishes,

srp said...

Happy Birthday... and very glad you didn't have to spend it in jail and use that birthday money for bail!!!!!

Remington said...

Great shots! What we won't do to get our pictures! Once Beth stood in the middle of the highway to get a picture of an eagle....I told her that was very dangerous....the pic was great though....

Kerrie said...

Oh my Gosh! What an adventure! You poor thing! But the moon pictures are gorgeous, you did a wonderful job and capturing it!! So glad you visited or I would have missed seeing your blog today as we have had company! hugs, Kerrie

LC said...

Great story and thanks for photos. I totally forgot by the time to arrived! Oh well, I guess there is always Nov. 14, 2016! Hee Hee.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my word Ginny those pictures are absolutely stunning. you got such great shots! I think it was worth all the trouble to get those pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

Well you can be a naughty girl - determined and naughty! So glad you got those beautiful pictures - we went out to get pictures but my camera can't do what yours can.

It was a big and bright moon though wasn't it?


Mary Bergfeld said...

You got the photos and under the circumstances that is a near miracle. I had a wonderful view from the deck out side the kitchen window. Happy Birthday. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Glenda said...

Funny story, Ginny. . . great photos!! I wasn't able to get good shots like these, but I did enjoy watching the moon rise.

Velvet Over Steel said...

That is an Awesome 'daring adventure' for your birthday and family!! I loved this story!! Too funny & Happy Birthday, Ginny!! My youngest son's was on Friday.. he's 21!! I wish I was again! haha.. only if I knew what I know now! :-)

Oh and the pictures were Great!! Thanks for sharing with us & btw you are an Inspiration to me every time I visit!!

Big Birthday Hug,
Coreen xoxoxo

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy birthday Ginny! I knew your moon photos would be wonderful. There is too much street light near me for my moon photos for come out clear, but I did enjoy watching the moon rise last night as it was so large and orange in color.
Your brush with the law sounds a little scary ... but I'm glad all turned out OK and they let you stay to take photos!

Annie Jeffries said...

I am soooo jealous, Ginny. Not only did you have a close encounter with the local cops but you also got to see the BIG MOON. What excitement!! My bad luck continues to holds. Everytime some interesting celestial event happens, we have rain. Saturday night was no different. I was bummed.

RoeH said...

Sheesh! I go out of town for a few days and look at what I miss. The police chase of the century. I'm doubting they let people blog in jail so I'm glad it turned out alright. I loved the SuperMoon photos above. And the Pussywillows. Oh my. How I love those and Arizona does not have them. :( They remind me of my mother.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. OH I LOVED THIS!!!! Seriously, I was thinking about you when the moon was big and bright because you post the most beautiful moon pictures ever! I couldn't wait to see what you had in store for us. I had no idea you were going to be getting in trouble with the law> This makes it even better. It reminds me of last year when I was at the fair and snapped a picture of the 'snake women' when I wasn't supposed to. I thought I'd be chased around the fairgrounds for my camera... lol.

photowannabe said...

Well that's one way to celebrate your birthday. Rather daring indeed. You must have looked like troublemakers for the police to make such a big hubbub about your being there. (:0)
Great moon shots. Did you give the cops your blog address so he could see the proof of why you were there????

Dawning Inspiration said...

Yikes girl! You've got guts!!! Awesome!

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...