Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Return Of The Alpacas

Here is the second half of my alpaca post. These are pictures that I took last year. They are not as good as yesterday's because I was farther away and the light was wrong. Several of you asked me if alpacas spit like camels. They do not. Camels, alpacas, and llamas all belong to the same family, however. The camelid family. These alpacas live 20-25 years, and the length of a female's pregnancy is nearly a year. The difference between alpacas and llamas? Not much. The llama is much bigger, double in size and weight. Also, llamas were bred to be beasts of burden and their fur is coarse. Alpacas are bread for their wonderfully soft fur, and items made with it are very expensive. I would love to see a llama as well. Maybe one day...

"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfullness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Psalm 36:5,6


SquirrelQueen said...

I have seen llamas up close and they are not nearly as cute as the alpacas. I love the one in your header, I would really like to touch the fur.

Regina said...

Hi Ginny..what fabulous animals. I wonder if their high maintenance? They don't appear to be. Wow, I'm impressed as I really never bothered to look into it? The photos are of course terrific!!
Hey, thanks for your reply too. I'm behind and feeling a little scattered. I will get back.

pam said...

I have used alpaca yarn in a few of my knitting projects...wonderfully soft indeed. So cute!

Melanie said...

What great pictures! They're so cute! :)

Fred Alton said...

I'm impressed by the "woolly" look of the Alpacas! God did create a beautiful world with beauty and diversity.

From the Kitchen said...

O.K., there you are! At first I thought this was the same post as yesterday. Don't worry me like that!!

Re. your question: I don't have a photo of the restaurant but will take one next time we go. I don't know where the name came from but will ask.

I'm going to look for those alpacas when I come.


srp said...

Such sweet babies... all of them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have petted a llama several times, he is part of a petting zoo and is so sweet. i have not seen these before and would love to. the light makes them look like they are pink and would make great sweaters. i love their sweet faces, they look like people. and i keep expecting the trio in the first photo to break into "stop in the name of Love"

LC said...

Did you know llamas are pack animals and carry supplies to the lodge at the top of Mt. Le Conte? There is a great video of the llama train at I have seen the llamas lounging around at their home base, but haven't seen them in action. I also haven't been spit at, but when I was a teenager, a little boy I was babysitting aggravated a llama at our local zoo. That llama spit at him.

Karin said...

How priceless if God's unfailing love! Enjoyed your alpaca post! Have a great day!

Reanaclaire said...

They are from the camel family, right? they look a bit like them ..

Lady Jane said...

We have two Llama farms nearby. They are fun to see. But these little alpacas are sooooo cute. I have never knitted with their yarn, but I must give it a try, they look so soft.

DawnTreader said...

I've seen llamas but not alpackas. I didn't know they were different in size. Do the alpackas spit like the llamas do? They do look very soft and fluffy :) I think when I was younger and just read about them I got the impression they were more like sheep?

Ruth Hiebert said...

It must be the light,but their fur looks allots pink.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness they are so darn cute!

Chatty Crone said...

I was wondering if they spit like camels too! Thanks for the answer.

Hey I have something on my blog for you.


Yuni Murharjanti said...

Hi.... Mrs. Ginny! Thank you for stopped by at my blog. When I saw your blog, you already have 98 followers. I immediately wanted to become follower to 99. The number reminds me of the 99 names of God (I am a Muslim). But religion is just the way we communicate with God, and not the important thing for contested.
Your blog was beautiful and impressed. The alpacas looked funny and benign. But in fact, I only dared with a cat. Happiness weekend and GBU!

S. Etole said...

They are so soft and precious looking ...

Remington said...

Great shots! Beth here....yep, I spin just about any thing. Remington's hair make beautiful yarn. I don't sell anything I make. I have taught fiber arts for years. I enjoy teaching rather than just making stuff to sell.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You programed to stand nicely, but where are the other two babies.

Ann said...

Wonderful pictures. That first one looks like you posed them the way they are standing there. I have to say that even though alpacas and llamas are a lot alike I think alpacas are much much cuter

George said...

I think these pictures are quite good. I like the baby alpaca you captured on the left of that first picture.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The fabric that is made from alpca "wool" is really quite wonderful and very expensive. I've been told they are easy animals to keep because they are fairly neat in their habits. Both sets of pictures are wonderful. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Cindy Caudle said...

Love your Alpacas. They look so fuzzy. I just want to hug them. Love the photos.

LV said...

Absolutely stunning pictures of these Alpacas. They are such different and interesting animals.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, I had never really found out the difference between llamas and alpacas...only knew them as South American critters. Thanks for the interesting info. Love your header...and the first photo---the cutest of them all!!

Mom Daughter Style said...

they're beautiful. they seem to be so huggable

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, So we have Alpacas Part II.... They are so cute. Love the lighting in this set since they look PINK.... How sweet...

Annie Jeffries said...

I just love alpacas, Ginny. Much more than llamas. They are like cute little long-legged sheep with a poodle puppy cut.

Doris Sturm said...

Actually alpaca wool is not that expensive, it's getting more and more affordable as so many folks in America are raising alpacas now.

The wool of the Cashmere goat is softer, warmer and hence a lot more expensive, something I'll probably never have to worry about since I can barely afford acrylic ;-)

The alpacas are a lot cuter than the cashmere goats, though :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

BWAK BWAK where is you post, you changed the header where are you? I am running in circles the sky is falling where are you bwak bwak

photowannabe said...

Oh I adore these little guys. Their sweet faces make me want to just hug them. We have quite a few alpaca farms near us. Wonderful hair on them. Thanks for sharing. I've heard them hum. Its a wonderful sound.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. Oh, lucky you!! I love going to plays. And you got great seats!! I'm sure you had a fabulous time. The best play I ever went to was Fiddler on the Roof (locally). Now in Chicago we went to see Wicked... that was awesome.

Bobbie said...

Alpacas are adorable!! I learned about a new animal this morning... Boy, they live a long time. I wonder if they'd make a good pet? lol

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