Thursday, March 24, 2011

Clarice's Heart

"...the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts."
1 Chron. 28:9

Meet Clarice. But be careful, or she'll skate right into your heart. Clarice is Ella's new best friend. She has different outfits, and she even has these nifty skates, and she will skate in them when you pull her matching leash. Who is Clarice? Why, she is very, very special indeed. She was the only reindeer who saw Rudolph for what he really was, and loved him even though the other reindeer made fun of him. Ella watched Rudolph many times with me and was enchanted with Clarice. This may be because Clarice and Ella are so much alike. You see, ever since she was a toddler, Ella has had great sympathy for people. She was born with a caring heart, like Clarice. When she was three, and saw I had hurt my foot, she rushed over and put her blanket and favorite toys on my foot, and kissed it. I was dumbstruck. I had always thought that all children were self centered, sympathy being a thing we learn as we mature. A three year old proved me wrong. Oh, yes, Clarice has a real heart, and like Ella's, it is a beautiful thing to see.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7


George said...

What a wonderful post. Ella (and Clarice) is very sweet.

LC said...

Such empathy is really unusual in one so young. And the way she acted on her impulse to comfort and help when you hurt your foot was so touching. A special little deer and a special little dear. This was a wonderfully written post about a little one with a special God-given gift.

S. Etole said...

what a special little heart you have shared ...

Shug said...

Ella and Clarice are both precious...I love the sweetness and the innocense of children....Your pictures are so good and clear. This is truly a great post and you are a very talented writer..
Love reading every day...

RoeH said...


Karin said...

Isn't she just the sweetest! It really is a treasure to see kindness, empathy, and spontaneous love in our little grands!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Awe--how sweet, Ginny.... I have never seen a Clarice before --and didn't remember Rudolph's special 'friend'....

Ella and Clarice must be the best of friends... What a great pair!!!!! There's nothing better than a caring person... How wonderful!!!!


pam said...


Arti said...

Very cute, both Ella and Clarice...
The heart of children are so pure that they leave us speechless with their actions...
Have a nice day:)

Regina said...

This was touching..really- she is just precious! Reminds me of my niece's daughter. She's a bit older now but I baby-sat her for a season when she was young like that (unforgettable). What a cute friend! I enjoyed these photos too Ginny..a time to savor.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ella's new playmate is adorable, those outfits and the skates look like fun.

I remember the character of Clarice from the Rudolph story, she was the sweetest little reindeer. She and Ella will have lots of good times together.

Neal said...

Ella sure is a cutie...nice post.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think we all a need a Clarice.Not only is she very pretty,but she has some good lessons to teach.I love this post and the kindness it shows.

Anonymous said...

How very precious.

Blessings to you and Phil this weekend, Ginny.

Melanie said...

What a sweet post! Ella is just so cute.
Of course I know who Clarice is! I've watched Rudolph many times!
Have a great weekend. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, you made me tear up. wonderful story, wow, what a story. most children are born self centered, she has a true gift of mercy. clarice is precious, i have never heard of clarice since the only rudolph i knew was in the book, the OLD book.

Remington said...

Great post! So sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Darling post today! Great accompanying Scripture, too. Have a wonderful day!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I needed that scripture today - thanks!!

And oh my goodness -that Ella is indeed something special (and cute, too!)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Only God understands what the true heart can hold. It is way beyond our own understanding.

DawnTreader said...

Now I've seen it all. A stuffed reindeer with pink roller skates...

It brings back memories. When I was about four we were on a holiday and I met another little girl who had a doll which had rollerskates. I was fascinated (and envious). I've never seen another toy with roller skates ever since. Until now!

The story is very sweet... I'm not sure I've ever thought properly about that, whether sympathy comes natural or with learning. What I do know (ever since I was a child myself) is that some people seem to have more of it than others, at any age.

Stephanie V said...

Love those skates! Lovely post, Ginny.

Chatty Crone said...

Well, that is so young to have a wonderful heart like that - I hope and pray she is nurtured and keeps it always. sandie

Joanne said...

Aww what a beutiful post! I just love her little toy! Ella is a sweet sweet baby. She reminds me of my son. so caring and giving. Blessings, Joanne

Doris Sturm said...

How adorable...I had a favorite toy as a child and even when he got old and scruffy looking, I loved him all the is blind!

Sweet post, Ginny, just like you ;-)

Have a great weekend!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh Yes, Ella and Clarice are both so cute. I am glad that Ella enjoys her!

Ann said...

I remember Clarice. What a sweet toy that is. Clarice and Ella are both adorable

Deborah said...

I loved this story! It gave me goose bumps! She is a wonderful little granddaughter! Imagine how compassionate she will be when she grows up!

Fred Alton said...

Ella is an absolutely fascinatinig child! I had never heard of Clarice and her love-affair with Rudolf but I like it. Great blog-post and I love the scripture passage.

Bobbie said...

Aah... this was such a sweet post. Ella is a little doll.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

lovely soft pink, little girls favorite colors.
Your two girls Ella and Clarice , a blessing from God.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post....!!

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