Friday, March 4, 2011

The Flowers And The Light

I've been missing the flowers. If it weren't for the grocery store floral departments, it would be a bleak winter, indeed. So here for you are tulips. I couldn't wait for them to bloom so I snapped these beauties at Whole Foods. Only one week till daylight savings time, yes!!

Jesus answered "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light." John 11:9,10


Reanaclaire said...

What is daylight saving times, Ginny?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I remember my first Day light saving, I didn't know as I just arrived to Canada. I was too late for my church service.

DawnTreader said...

Tulips are a beautiful reminder of spring. Daylight saving time... I'm not so much looking forward to. It keeps me confused all summer. My inner clock never quite adjusts. Ours starts 27 March.

sm said...

beautiful tulips

Annie Jeffries said...

You never fail to enchant me with your ever changing header, Ginny. This one is no exception. Tulips are our daughter's favorite flower. Every Valentine's Day, her father makes sure a lovely arrangement is sent to her.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

These pictures make me want to bring my camera into the local nursery. It's like a little mini vacation in there. I can't wait for the flowers to start blooming outdoors. We are going to have temps. in the 40's today but I think it's going to be raining as well.

Bobbie said...

Tulips are my favorite! Well, I like lilacs as well... but does that count? Yah! Daylight Saving - I'm ready for that!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tulips are wonderful, the colors are so brilliant. i do not like daylight savings time and have been fussing all week about it since i saw it on the calendar. right now i love it because it gets daylight at 6:30 then i will have to wait until 7:30 for it to get daylight and I am with monica, my body stays on what i call REAL time, i just wish they would leave it at one or the other, the change makes me crazy. i don't know why the govt has to mess with everything and that includes time.

Tracy said...

Hah, one year when I first began teaching it was Daylight Savings weekend. We'd had a storm that threw the power out on Sunday eve. I woke up Monday morning and went about my business, blah, blah, blah when the phone rang. The principal was calling to see if I was coming to work that day~
well, I didn't know my clocks were all wrong! So I sheepishly entered the building with my tail between my legs and no one ever let me forget it :)
I love Daylight Savings time :)

Arti said...

Tulips are lovely, the quote is also so nice. Loved the header, so fresh.
Have a wonderful weekend:-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for thecTulips,they are nright and cheery.

Ann said...

It won't be long until our shipment of spring flowers come in. I always love it because they set up a bunch of hyacinths right by my department and I just love the smell. Those tulips are really pretty. Spring really is on it's way isn't it?

Kerrie said...

I love fresh flowers in the house! These are beautiful!

Melanie said...

Oh, those tulips are so beautiful! Things are starting to bud around here. The flowers will be in bloom soon!
Thanks for the reminder about daylight saving time. I was thinking just the other day it should be coming up soon!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes thankful for flowers, even from the store!

Karin said...

While it is snowing outside this morning - again- sigh- I'm enjoying your lovely tulips!

Have been joyously anticipating daylight saving time's arrival. I love that in our neck of the woods the evenings stay light so much June we still have daylight around 11 pm. It's a wonderful time of the year!

RoeH said...

Boy. . I'm glad Arizona doesn't have daylight savings time. I have no desire for an extra hour of hot sun in the summer months. The Navajo Indian Reservation in northeast Arizona observes it but the rest of Arizona doesn't. If they ever change it, that will be the last straw here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Cheerful! I love the spring bulbs. We have the first Daffodils coming out now and the neighbors have Crocus. Have a great Saturday!

George said...

I can't help but admire the flowers in our grocery store as well. We've got Spring bulbs pushing up through the soil. Now I have to worry about a frost killing them.

Stephanie V said...

Oh, tulips are the best. Such a gorgeous variety of caolors. Thanks for the spring preview>

Regina said...

We don't have DLSTime..and I often stop and stare intranced as well! Love that verse and your header!

Regina said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Gorgeous tulips... It is fun to look at the beautiful flowers in the stores now.. BUT--hopefully, we'll have some of our own Daffodils and Tulips in bloom. YEAH!!!!!

Hope you are having a great weekend.

LC said...

Thanks for tulip color! I know the verse is a spiritual context, but literally, many of the little kids my husband picks up on his bus route have no choice. They are out there in the dark in the a.m.!

Chatty Crone said...

I like the 'aweness' factor in flowers - makes me KNOW - there IS a God. Has to be - no questions asked.

Beautiful pictures Ginny.Have a great weekend.


Remington said...

Can't wait to see flowers out on Remington Drive again....I miss them....

Terra said...

Thank you for these bright tulips.

Anonymous said...

It must be that time of the year. Tulips, lilies and Easter seem to all go together :-)

LV said...

I miss flowers as well. I have no luck raising them in the house. I will be so happy to see the yards in full bloom again. I got the butterfly off an old calendar I had. I have no idea what the name of it was.

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Hallo Mrs. Ginny. I wear the hijab at religious events or if I'm wanted to wear it. Islam in Indonesia is more moderate and tolerant. In the place we live, have many religions, but there are not contradiction. If you hear the news of chaos, the main motive is a political issue. Religion is only used as a pretext of power. Our country is learning democracy. Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, but we do not feel the need to use the Arabic culture. We have a culture of its own. In here, women are more valued and have equal rights with men. This would not have you found in Arabic. God created beings is the same and equal, no human being created by God to occupy the second position.
Oh ya.., Tulips are favorit by my 'hubby', beside roses.

Doris Sturm said...

I love tulips and daffodils too - flowers are such a wonderful gift! Thanks for showing us those lovely, bright colors :-)

Together We Save said...

Oh those flowers are beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

We don't get to see tulips here so your photos were a real treat!! Lovely!!

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