Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boxes Or Sprays?

We have an abundance of forsythia here now. Such a shout of beautiful and cheerful yellow after the winter! There are so many beautiful ones in our area that I couldn't decide which to post, so I posted most of them! As you will notice in my pictures, some people like their forsythias growing in a huge spray, and some trim them into round or boxy bushes or hedges. I have read that they are meant to have the beautiful sprays growing upward to show off their real beauty. And that is my favorite way. I don't really like them boxed in, though they are denser when trimmed so severely. Which way do you prefer? Do you have any forsythia? The last little one is ours. Though we've had it nearly thirty years, it remains very small, though pretty. They are native to China and the name forsythia means "anticipation". Now here is some real anticipation.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
Psalm 130:5,6


Anonymous said...

A beautiful verse and lovely photos. This time of year, forsythia seems to almost glow in the landscape! We don't have any growing here at the new house so I really enjoyed yours! Hope your day is full of blessings.

DawnTreader said...

Oh these are lovely. I hope we'll get to see ours soon too... I like them "wild". I don't think I have seen many around here being trimmed but perhaps I've just not taken notice. I guess if they grow too close to a path or entrance you might have to cut them back a bit for practical reasons.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I never knew what the name meant. It makes sense since their blooming means the very beginning of the warm season which we all anticipate. My cousin used to call them for-cynthia

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not only do i not have any, i have never seen them before. they are gorgeous. i prefer natural in all bushes and trees. this fridays my town shoot out is the color yellow. you should link this post to it because this is certainly yellow, beautiful yellow. anticipation... that is what they are saying waiting on the rest of spring.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Gorgeous forsythia! Ours is blooming as well.

From the Kitchen said...

Natural is my favorite forsythia way. They are also among my favorite flowers/bushes. I adore that wee little house in the 3rd photo from the bottom. Is it in your town?


Ruth Hiebert said...

I definitely like the natural look.Who would want to cut back those beautiful flowers.

Lady Jane said...

Hi Ginny, I am with you girl, I like mine spraying out all over the place. Yes I have 7 of them but only 3 do well. All in the same area so who knows why. If we ever lose the snow I will post them if the cold and snow dont let them bloom this year. I awoke to 30 degrees this morning, But I am smiling....

Reanaclaire said...

Reminds me of the fiery light as Abraham went up the mountain to "talk" to God..

Beautiful, Ginny.. even before or after trimming..

Neal said...

All are gorgeous so the shape doesn't matter to me.

Remington said...

Now that would be a nice sight to see....so pretty!

srp said...

Our garden section of the paper pleaded with people NOT to prune the forsythia into those little balls and squares and cones.... but to let them take a more natural shape. I agree... natural shape is best!

Doris Sturm said...

OH, gosh, Ginny, it's hard for me to decide, I love them all...always have loved them. They remind me of my Childhood Easters in Germany because that's when they grow...I see some here, but not as many as I would like. Maybe I'll buy a bush and plant it here...that bright yellow really is cheerful looking and I must say the boxed ones make a definite statement and give the house and landscaped a very manicured look and I'm partial to that, but again, I love them all. I didn't know what the name meant, but it seems appropriate then that they grow around Easter time in Germany because it's a very hopeful season of resurrection and life ever after. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

Joanne said...

Sprays! definitely sprays! But my Hubby would say Boxes. He tries every year to take over the gardening! :o) Blessings, Joanne

S. Etole said...

a perfect name .... I think I prefer their natural look ....

George said...

I also like the forsythia in sprays. Our neighbors have forsythia, and we planted some for the first time Spring. Hopefully we'll have some pretty pictures to share next year.

Fred Alton said...

I'm really learning from you, Ginny. I never knew that these plants were from China. And I do love their beauty. One problem, though, the yellow buds in the spring are an avowed enemy of my nasal passages.

Shug said...

Oh Ginny...I loved the pok a dots yesterday, but I think today's header tops them all....Absolutely Beautiful!
I am one that loves the natural look of shrubs and trees...It's just adds so much to the character of a bush when we allow them to spring out!
Yellow is one of my favorite colors!

Love this post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Yes --we have Forsythia here --and they are blooming just like yours in your area...

I like the Spray ones the best --but not when people just let them go and don't ever trim them evenly. Yours in your yard is PERFECT.

Great pictures.

Regina said...

The wall, the side of the house and the walk way to the house are my favorite..love your header!! But really, all of these are a shout as you say, from every direction!! What a perfect name..I suppose I'd keep them wild..how I like them too. Seems I have a family photo next to one of these but on the other side of the island (dry side) will check. Fabulous Ginny~
Btw..that orange on my header is a (Chinaman's Hat)..forget the botanical name? Must of origianted their too?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I really like Forsythia and am thinking of planting a hedge of it. I like the verse you included too. Have an excellent day!

Ann said...

Oh how I wish my forsythia looked like that right now. Not even a bud on them that I could see.
The entire one side of my house is lined with forsythia. My husband always trims them into one long box shape. I like them either way

LV said...

What a beautiful, beautiful sharing of the forsythia. You did a super job capturing all these different sights so well. You must live where it likes to thrive.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I Love these flowers:) I vote for spray arrangement! All are beautiful!

Chatty Crone said...

I too am with you Ginny - I love the sprays. They just seem so naturally beautiful and free.


Velvet Over Steel said...

Beautiful & bright Yellow!! The first of Spring Sunshine for sure!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I actually didn't make a pledge, because they wanted an ongoing pledge. I told Romano that I was happy making a one off contribution, as I was already donating to Plunket. I suggested he went back to the office and tell them that.

I went back to my posts and took a long time before I found it. I wished I took the boy's face. But then, his parents might not like it.

Tracy said...

I love the forsythia's...I like them all natural rather than trimmed.
The verse is lov ely!

Linda M. said...

Sprays, I vote for the sprays. Save boxes for green hedges. I prefer the natural look. have a great week. Linda

Karin said...

Oooooooooooooooooo!!!!! I rejoice with you at the gorgeous forsythia you are enjoying in your neck of the woods. Love the verse too! SPRAYS - any day - save the trimmed look for greens! I would have a bouquet in the house together with pussy willows! We enjoyed forsythia bushes when we lived in KY for a year and a half! Thanks for sharing!

Annie Jeffries said...

Honestly, I could not make up my mind. They are so pretty and their fragrance must be divine.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful forsythia! I like them both wild and tamed :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm in the midst of Waiting on the Lord...

And I prefer them reaching out and upward.... spreading cheer!!

Anonymous said...

These are so pretty!! I don't think I've ever seen them...what a sight!! Love them all!!

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