Sunday, March 27, 2011

Visions Of A Spring Snow

Guess what? It snowed here last night! If it had been just a few days later, it would have been on April Fool's Day. I hope it doesn't ruin the beautiful cherry blossoms I showed you yesterday. The weather here has been wild lately. One day it will be in the seventies, the next day almost freezing. So these are some images from my window, and also as we were out driving around today. The two shots of pine trees I loved because the snow on them looks like white blossoms. That is not shadows on the old couch sitting by the curb, it is snow. I liked the way it looked under the snow topped branches of the tree. And last is our new bird feeder, the "Squirrel Buster Classic", which is guaranteed to keep out squirrels, and so far has worked!! This is actually your virtual bird feeder, dear followers, because I got it to take bird pictures and post them. Has it gotten any birds so far? Well, that remains for future posts...

"God's voice thunders in marvelous ways;

he does great things beyond our understanding.

He says to the snow 'Fall on the earth,'

and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'

So that all men he has made may know his work..."

Job 37:5


Karin said...

My first thought of your header photo was, "My, that's an interesting tree - looks like pine, but it's has blossoms." Well I'll be - it's snow! That is crazy weather you're having. Hopefully it didn't damage all those beauties in bloom! Thanks for the photos of your spring snow! Over the years we've had some pretty late in spring blizzards!

Arti said...

Wow... Snow, it has always fascinated me... We dont see it here in Mumbai, it is always hot... Even in winters the temperature rarely goes below 20 degree celcius!!!
The pics are just awesome, hope they will not spoil the cherry blossoms!!
Have a good day, here is wishing you a warm day:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That hairy pole is a giant cacti. It could be the good condition of the green house, that it has grown so big, or it is just the species, or my friend has a green thumb and gives his plants TLC.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That arm chair, is it inorganic collection or part of the park?

We have some couches too at One Tree Hill, I wasn't sure if picnickers brought them and left them there. Not an outdoor furniture. Must find them, and post it for outdoor Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Such unpredictable weather! Great photos and I love the bird feeder.

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Dear my friend who has a heart of gold. Rain was falling in my town today. I have the time to visit your blog, while waiting for my kids go home from schools. My husband really wanted to see snow in person. But he has not been lucky. Although many embroidery paintings that he made and exhibited in various countries, he has not had a chance to go to Europe or America. My prayer for your family.

SquirrelQueen said...

I like your photos of the snow with the flowers, it really is a spring snow.

You had snow and we had pouring rain, I think I actually might prefer the snow. It is more photogenic!

I hope the little birds show up soon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We had the same snow. Not enough to coat the roads, but enough to surprise. Beautiful shots.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The trees do look pretty with the snow blossoms,but I am sure you would rather have seen rain come down.I know that complaining about the weather does no good and God is in control of it.Hope the snow is gone by now and those pretty flowers can revive again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love your new bird toy, and my favorite is the sofa shot, that tree is intriguing to me. it tells a story all by itself the sofa abandoned under the tree. hope all those beautiful yellow flowers are not harmed and the cherry blossoms. no snow here but a thunder and lighting storm that lasted from 1 am to 6 am. we needed the rain, so that makes me happy.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your weather is really unpredictable. I think more so than ours. We are wet or wetter, though in spring we have hail storms which drive our local nursery men crazy because of the damage it can do to the fruit trees. I hope the snow melts quickly. Thank you for the kind words on Amuse Bouche. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Shug said...

Morning Ginny...
You captured some great pictures and the header pictures is beautiful.
Snow? The weather has been crazy here as well...90 degrees on Sat. here and then yesterday it was in the 50's. Had to pull out the jackets.
I guess you all needed a little extra moisture in your area!!
Have a wonderful Day...

pam said...

That's exactly what my world looks like...although we have a bit more snow. This is the second time it has snowed since the spring bulbs have started blooming. At least our trees haven't started blooming yet...hopefully they are holding tight to their buds. And we're supposed to get more tomorrow. I am so ready for sit on the front porch with Molly in the sun reading. Hope you have a grand week!

Dawning Inspiration said...

LOVE the snow on the daffodils! I'm "kinda" hoping we get a light dusting of snow so I can click some pics of spring flowers with snow - just love that!

Remington said...

So Mr. Winter missed you too! I don't think he wants to leave any of us this year....

RoeH said...

As sad as it is, daffodils are beautiful with a sprinkling of snow upon them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Guess you got the snow that we did not get here on the Cumberland Plateau in TN. We had a very cold day yesterday with the temperature about 37 degrees F. all afternoon. Big change from the 80 degrees we had one day last week. Have a great day today!

DawnTreader said...

As you already know, winter paid another visit here, too. I think we were probably more prepared for it than you, though... Our trees have not gone into bloom yet.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I agree this weather is always changing. I will try to remember this in July?

LC said...

you had me going! Like karin, i was trying to figure out what kind of pine tree that was. Thanks for letting me enjoy the freshly fallen snow without the cold and wet! Hope the cherry blossoms keep their beauty. I love daffodils, too, and those in your photo look like the snow is trying to get the best of them. Stay warm!

Bobbie said...

Ginny, I always love your pictures! I love the couch picture. So unique. Beautiful. Now, enough of that snow already. Let's see some sunshine and blue skies :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

it is very very cold here. they are saying we may get snow on April Fool's day...I hope not.

Doris Sturm said...

I could use some snow...hope it didn't ruin too many blossoms and flowers, though!

Kerrie said...

Not snow again!! WE have had thunder and lightning giving me insomnia with the noise and temps went back down in the 30's-ugh! We are all so ready for Spring, aren't we? Hugs

Neal said...

Nice. We were suppose to get snow the other night but it went south of us.

Geocaches are just something that someone has hidden and you use a GPS to try to find it. Click here and then type your zip code in the box on the right. I'll bet there will be some close to you. It just a game. Click on the "with Google maps" link at the top and it will show them on a map.

Ann said...

That is crazy going from 70 to snow. We've just had cold weather with an occasional snowflake fluttering around.
Can't wait to see what birds you capture with that feeder.

LV said...

When spring and winter combine, it makes for some very pretty sights. I am glad we do not have the snow. It turned very cold last night, and no rain.

Melanie said...

We got some snow yesterday too! It was all gone by the time we got home from church, but it was so pretty. :)

Joanne said...

Today it was so cold and windy here today it was almost depressing! I want spring to arrive soooo badly. Blessings, Joanne

Regina said...

According to your link on my column, it took me 20 hours to get here- and I'm no shooting star!
(ha ha) You know that would be a pity because those temp's sure can effect the trees! I hope it mellows out..OK, the first one (not joking) as I enlarged it (I hope you do that with mine- snicker) looks just like it's on my own screen..I mean, you couldn't get a better macro if you tried!! Good grief..well, I always like when I can enlarge them anyway. I enjoyed the verse as its so well suited.
Well, that's a nifty feeder and I'm sure you'll be catching a pretty bird!
I haven't tried to upload any pictures this morning but that cheesecake still looks like a square with an x! Sandra said she clicked on it and it appeared for here (lol)

Chatty Crone said...

It never ceases to amaze me nor will it - that it can snow one day and be sunny the next and the snow gone!

And be beautiful either way. God never makes mistakes!


Velvet Over Steel said...

It is snowing here right now, for the 3rd time in 4 days! Weatherperson :-), says Spring will finally arrive on Saturday. Humm.. I hope so! lol

I hope your cherry blossoms will be fine too!! Have a wonderful week Ginny!!


srp said...

It really is not fair that you got snow... and we just got freezing temps but rain. I needed a March Madness photo.... but probably couldn't post it right from Picasa anyway.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It has been a very cold Spring so far, hasn't it? I hope warmer weather will coem our way very soon!

Glenda said...

Snow on the daffodils . . . what a contrast, but a beautiful one!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...snow does look beautiful with the flowers in the background. I love your feeders! Hope you'll get all those fabulous bird shots in the coming weeks!

Chandramouli S said...

Snow in March????!!!! Whoa! That's fantasy here. Snow is a fantasy for us in first place :D. As Arti said, even winters aren't that cold.
The photos of the incoming spring and melting snow is lovely!

Annie Jeffries said...

Unbelievable. Spring snow just confuses me. Really? Really??

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