Monday, March 21, 2011


Welcome to a small glimpse of my birthday celebration Saturday. Our family went to an Italian restaraunt that I have been wanting to eat at for a couple years now. The waitress took this picture of us, this was about an hour before all of us nearly got arrested in that pesky little police chase incident. Our outlaw band photo should be on your local post office wall shortly. Back home, I opened my gifts. I got this giant umbrella big enough for two, with my initial embroidered on it. I LOVE polka dots! Instead of a cake, my daughter-in-law went to the trouble of getting this plate full different little things she knew I would love. Like oreo fudge, maple cookies, chocolate mousse, a cannoli, yum!!! The plate they were on matched this beautiful teapot and cup, and she gave me four different kinds of fancy tea. Such wonderful gifts!! But here is the greatest gift of all.

"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:22,23


Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

A lovely birthday celebration. The picture of you and your family is absolutely beautiful That pciture is a keeper.

From the Kitchen said...

I did see a photo of all five of you on our local post office wall. The lady behind me heard me gasp and asked what was wrong. I said "I know those people. They travel around in a gang shooting at the moon and other objects." O.K., I totally made that up in case you didn't know. I also love that umbrella. I'd like one but with a "B" on it. Hope it rains soon so you can put it to use.


Joanne said...

Awwwww Happy Birthday!!! what a beautiful family!!! Blessings, Joanne

Karin said...

When I see the wanted poster here in Canada, I'll let you know! Full Moon papparazzis, eh! Delightful gifts! Enjoy! Bet you can't wait for it to rain so you can use your gorgeous umbrella!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Looks like you all had a wonderful birthday celebration/dinner.... Was your dinner good? I love Italian food--and we go to the Olive Garden on occasion.

Love your umbrella... My Daddy used to call umbrellas "Bumbershoots"... Wonder where that came from ??? Have you ever heard it???

Your cookies and tea look fabulous... I'd like one of each please... ha

Glad you all didn't get arrested... ha ha

SquirrelQueen said...

That is one fine umbrella, I like the ones that cover two. The plate of goodies look delicious and will be perfect with the teas.

Looks like you had a fun birthday!

I'll be sure to check the board at the post office next time I'm there to see the wanted poster.

Mind Movies Review said...

It certainly looks like a fun and lovely birthday celebration for you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, eternal life is the greatest gift.
What a sweet photo of your birthday celebration. How thoughtful of your daughter in law to provide a selection of your favorite sweets. Everything looks yummy and I love the butterflies on the dishes. Hope you enjoyed the Italian food and that your year is filled with many blessings.

Arti said...

Very beautiful, a family get together... The umbrella is very cute but the icing on the cake is the G printed on it!!
That plate full of delightful eateries is definitely mouth watering!!
And Yes that police chase you described was one of the best posts I have read... Ever!!
Have a great day:)

Melanie said...

What a great picture!
I'm sure you'll get plenty of use out of the umbrella!
How nice to have a plate of your favorite treats. Your daughter-in-law must know you well. :)
Enjoy all the teas. Your teapot and cup are very pretty!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That cookie display looks amazing. Happy belated birthday to you!

Nature Rambles said...

Wow! What a lovely celebration! Nice umbrella and the plate of yummies look absolutely delicious!! Like Mildred, I love the butterfly patterns on the tea-set too! It's a joy to see the delight on Anne Marie's face!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in addition to your gifts and the greatest gift of all, you have a wonderful gift of a daughter in law like yours. wow... wish mine were like her.... love the umbrella, i like polka dots to and the background shiny polka dots are beautiful. you had a wonderful day and also managed to stay out of jail. ha ha LOVE the family foto

Linda M. said...

Hi Ginny, Happy be-lated birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration and what lovely gifts. Hope the rest of your week is just as special. I'm one of your new followers. Linda

Remington said...

I am so happy you had a beautiful birthday!

Reanaclaire said...

Happy Birthday to you Ginny!! oh, if only i knew earlier.. :)
what nice and beautiful gifts.. love your family picture too!

Stephanie V said...

Great umbrella! You'd stand out in the crowd here on a rainy day...most are pretty dull.

S. Etole said...

What a fun celebration ... and now you can take pictures in the rain with those polka dots covering your head.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your family spoiled you and that is just the way it ought to be.These pictures are such precious memories.

Tracy said...

Yes, that truly is the greatest gift of all...thank you for reminding us that even when it's NOT our birthday, we receive gifts...
I love the umbrella :)
take care my friend!

DawnTreader said...

Looks like you were having a great time at the restaurant. I like that little teapot... love tea...

Fred Alton said...

I'm glad you received thoughtful birthday gifts - and that you recognize God as the giver of His son Jesus to be the Savior. You are also a gifted writer, and gifted mother and grandmother. Happy Belated wishes to you.

George said...

I'm glad you had this wonderful birthday celebration to balance your run-in with the law.

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful birthday party you had - nice family too. How thoughtful of everyone and to get those desserts especially for you!
Can you tell what is on my mind here?


Kerrie said...

I just love your sharing your celebration with us all! Love all your lovely gifties, too! God Bless and we wish you MANY MANY more wonderful birthdays to come! Hugs, K

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry I'm late. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! What beautiful, wonderful photo's of a beautiful, wonderful family. It looks like you had a great day in spite of the fact that 'some' of your friends forgot it was YOUR DAY> Now, I want to hear about the trouble you got into.... :)

LV said...

Sorry I missed your birthday party. Looks like you had a nice one and shared time with family. Best wishes for many more. I hope your CSN certificate has not expired. They told me the one I have expires the end of April. I have to make a decision and use it ebfore then.

Ann said...

What a great birthday celebration you had. Too bad we didn't live closer together we could have celebrated our birthdays together :)

Regina said...

Lucky you..I haven't been to an Italian restaurant in quite awhile! The plate of chocolate would definitely put a smile on my mug! Looks like you had an enjoyable umbrella with your initials embroidered on it to boot!! They are an necessity in this rain belt! Well, I'll be looking forward your adventures in the next post:)

Neal said...

Nice...those cookies look really good. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

You still haven't made it to the "most wanted" list here. It looks like you had a special day, the best part of which was having family to share the day. Lo mein describes a wheat noodle that is served with vegetables and other things.
Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

This is one happy family occasion. If I was her grand daughter's birth mum, I would snatch her back.

You should go to the local post office and request they pay you some money. May be you can donate it to your granddaughter's home twon to help other children.

LC said...

What a blessed birthday celebration!

Glenda said...

You are blessed with a caring family, who seem to enjoy making you happy! Love the polka-dotted umbrella!

srp said...

These look like wonderful gifts... I LOVE the teapot!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Happy Belated birthday! I'm so sorry - wish I would have known! Looks like a fabulous and fun time!

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