Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bee

The first half of the day on Saturday, Phil and I had great fun doing something we had never done before. We went to the Scripps Spelling Bee. It was televised live. Our friend Connor Knight had won the bee for our city and now he was in the regional, where students from all over the area competed. We are just so proud of him!! That is Connor in the fourth picture. The bee was such fun to watch, and these kids were so good that they were spelling words I'd never even heard of! Third picture from the bottom is the final three, and the last two is the winner, who won many prizes and goes on to Washington, D.C. for the final. The word BEE means a community social gathering to join in a single activity to help someone. Like a quilting bee, a husking bee, or an apple bee. No one knows the origin of the term, but it used to be thought that it referred to the actual insect, because of the busy and social life of a beehive. One thing that interested me was that several of the students spelled out their word with a finger on the palm of their hand before they answered, as you can see from two of the pictures here. This is the same thing that God does with us.

"But Zion said "The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me."...Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Isaiah 49:14,15


Regina said...

That's interesting..sounds fun and bravo to them! I was thinking of the little sparrow I let go last week and how our hairs are numbered. Seems endless the ways in which He reminds us of His love.
Again, your sunset photos are so gorgeous:)

Karin said...

Wow, that sounds like a fun thing to do! Have always loved spelling bees - we had them often when I was growing up. Congrats to your young man Connor for being a part in such a great event! Interesting that the kids often have to 'write' it out on their hand so as to not forget a letter. Loved the verse you chose!!

George said...

What a neat way to spend a Saturday. We often had spelling bees when I was in elementary and middle school, and I always enjoyed them. I haven't been to a Scripps Spelling Bee, however.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh Ginny! Your quotation at the bottom just blew me away. For everything in life, there is, indeed, a complement in the Holy Bible.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great that some kids are so good in it.

The giant slide, I think they sit and bounce and slide down. I didn't pay attention. My student asked me, why did you take a photo of the other side?

Ann said...

I thought it looked like they were writing on their hands. I often find that it's easier to spell a word if I write it down. I'm sure that all of the kids could do much better than I could in a spelling bee. Those things always made me nervous :)

SquirrelQueen said...

That sounds like a fun way to spend a Saturday. When I saw the kids looking at their hand I wondered if they were allowed to write out the word first. My spelling is better if I can write the word.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the connection to scripture here. I love reading your posts. I always wonder how you are going to connect what you start out saying to scripture. this was one of my favorite connections. I never would have thought of that connection as I watched them spell on their palms. You are such a Godly lady.

From the Kitchen said...

Now that sounds like a fun day. Was the spelling bee held in Richmond? I've seen people "writing" out words and even doing math in their palms but have never done that myself. Love the photos of the kids with looks of anticipation, anxiety and befuddlement on their young faces.


LC said...

I was thinking along the same lines as Hip Chick. You have the most amazing ability to make connections, among words, photos, ideas, scripture. Thank you for sharing that ability.

Fred Alton said...

In the '40s we had those spelling bees in the schools I attended, both in Tennessee and Florida. I remember entering the spelling bee in 6th grade. I won the county reading contest while living in Jellico, TN for the 6th through the 9th grades. Thanks for the good memories!

How wonderful to find that today's youngsters are being taught to spell. I was beginning to wonder if the advent of the computer had put an end to good spelling and good grammar. ☻

RoeH said...

I used to love spelling bees. Spelling always seemed so easy to me. I still don't understand why some people have such a hard time with it. But the words they give them now....I'd be out on the street in no time. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Okay I learned something new and I think you were wonderful for going and supporting this boy. Sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations to Connor. what a wonderful way to spend your day. you are so right, the few times i have seen one on TV i had never heard of the words. right now i have trouble with words that only have five letters, so no bee for me. i like the info about the bee thing. never really thought about it that way, like quilting bee is familiar, but did not connect to spelling bee. learning something new almost every time i come here

Reanaclaire said...

It must be very interesting! I never been to one.. though i seen them on tv..
sorry Ginny for not coming by for the last few days.. i was on holiday in Singapore.. this evening i got back and lots of emails to reply.. lol... i will be in full force by tomorrow...

DawnTreader said...

That was interesting, thankyou. First of all, I've only ever seen spelling bees in American TV series. Second, I never heard any explanation why they are called 'bees'. Third, I didn't know there were other events also called 'bees'. What I don't quite get is how a spelling bee fits in with a common cause or helping someone.
It seems more just like a competition to me?

Stephanie V said...

I love how they're 'writing' on their hands trying to 'see' the word. Good for them. We've had the many local and regional spelling bees here too. The Canadian winner goes to DC to compete.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How fun! When I was still teaching I had students compete in spelling bees. These low-key competitions were enjoyable. Have a wonderful day!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a fun event to see. Kids that age are so natural and full of hope that it is a pleasure to be around them. The winner will have a wonderful time at the nationals. I hope you have a great day, Ginny. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I have never been to a spelling bee before --but I've seen some of them on TV.. The words they spell are unbelievable.... Awesome that Connor did so well.

S. Etole said...

congrats to the ones that were taking part in it ... what an honor

Bobbie said...

Ginny, you do the most interesting things!! I love to watch spelling bees. Have you ever seen the movie Akeela and the Bee? It was a great movie. Boy, Ginny... I always learn something from you. And now that you mention it... I do notice the kids make-believe writing on their hands.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It was so nice of you and your husband to be in the audience to support Connor as he participated in a Regional Spelling Bee! It brought back memories as my daughter did the same at his age..she finished in the top 10 and we were so happy for her. I, meanwhile need my "spellcheck" as I am not a talented speller :D

Loved the passage and the thought of always being in God's hands

Tracy said...

How fun! I use to be an awesome speller in school...won a lot of spelling bees in grade school. I was so proud! Geez, can't even imagine spelling all the complex words they are expected to learn now!
I hope you are doing okay...

Shug said...

Amazing Ginny...and did you know that the verse you chose has never stood out to me like this before...No matter how old we get, there is always something new to learn.
I know this was interesting and I know you are proud of your little friend...I admire people like you that will take the time to support our younger generation in other things besides sports...Kuddos to you and your husband!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun and congrats to Connor for his great job.

Glenda said...

I always enjoyed spelling bees as a teacher. I'm glad some schools are still having them. The Scripture is one of my favorites; I love that word picture . . . so comforting!

srp said...

I gather the last little fellow was the winner! Congratulations to all! It is such an accomplishment to get to the finals.

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