Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shooting For The Moon

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Les Brown

I've just returned from a delightful evening with Phil. We went out and he flew his little plane to the moon and back. And now I have exciting news to report. The moon is not made of cheese. It's white chocolate!!

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him wiith glory and honor." Psalm 8:3,5


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Mmmm...I think I'd like a white chocolate (or any kind of chocolate) moon!

Velvet Over Steel said...

How fun, flying a plane! My youngest son still loves to do that too along with rockets!

I love the quote and the Psalms is perfect!! You sure can find the best matches for your thoughts and post!!

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, Ginny!!
Coreen xoxo

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Did you find that delicious little bunny on the moon??????? ha ha.... I love cheese--but I also love white chocolate... YUM!!!!

Looks like Phil's plane did well today... I looked up and saw that moon tonight --and I think I saw you and Phil up there... Wow--what a trip!!!!!! ha ha

Jeanne said...

Yeah I think I'd be more likely to go to the moon for the chocolate instead of the cheese.
Cute pictures!

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Hi .. Mrs.Ginny. It's Friday at my place. I decided online every weekend, because a lot of works to me to solve. Whenever I start online, your blog is my first choice that must be visited. Why? Because by your blog, I can see America from the other side, the side that is more humane than the political gossip about your country.
If I see the moon, my kids always ask, whether in the moon there is a giant rabbit?.
I saw the picture of the month that you upload also looks like there is a shadow of rabbit, just like at my place.
Have a nice weekend with all your family.

Arti said...

Beautiful header, feels like I have made trip to the moon!!!
The quote is just perfect as always, Oh! I love your posts:)
Have a great weekend:)

Regina said...

Wow those are beautiful captures Ginny. Love cheese and chocolates as well.
And love the verse!

Have a great weekend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Praise God. Model planes are a great hobby. The photos are wonderful. Lovely to meet you through Sandie. And, I'd rather have white choc than cheese.
Blessings from the land of Oz.

Reanaclaire said...

wow.. white chocolate moon? and sometimes it is a yellow custard moon! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Flying to the moon and back? I am so jealous, especially since you discovered chocolate bunnies there.

I love your photos of the plane and the moon!

DawnTreader said...

Beautiful pictures of the moon - and one yummy-looking bunny! Now you're making me long for what I can't have!

Ann said...

Well that explains my fascination with the moon, it because it's chocolate :) That first shot is awesome.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this must have been the day bob pointed out the big fat moon in the daytime blue sky, it was beautiful, we were in the back yard, you did a super duper fantasical job of flying to the moon, what staging, what photography, what a great model you had. you go girl. this post ROCKS in my book. love it. showing to bob now and send me some white chocolate, i forgot to get any when i saw that moon

Joanne said...

I love this post! It's full of love and hope! exactly what I needed today! Blessings, Joanne

George said...

The moon isn't going to be around much longer now that you've revealed that it's made of white chocolate! Your pictures are beautiful.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are great pics of the moon! and an airplane also :) Shoot for the moon!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm glad you had a good time together.Time spent with the one you love is always precious.A moon made of white chocolate sounds so much better than on e made of cheese.

Anonymous said...

I love the quote, the pictures, and the bunny! Being to the moon and back must be a wonderful feeling!;))

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love the quote and how it blends so great with the pictures. And the moon...white chocolate??? hmmm. I know where I'm eating tonight.

photowannabe said...

Great shots Ginny. I love the way you captured the plane and the big "chocolate" moon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What fun! I am hopeful that our local cloudy day will not be repeated tomorrow. Last night I too took a picture of the almost full moon. We are predicted to have the possibility of rain here tomorrow so who can tell if I will get a good view of the extra-close up moon tomorrow night. Have a wonderful day!

Tracy said...

Oh my...I didn't know the moon was made of white chocolate! In that case, I DO want to go to the moon...when it was merely cheese, UGH! I didn't want to even venture further....

Remington said...

Seeing as tomorrow night is the Super Moon you should have no trouble hitting it!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

White chocolate you say??? Well buy me a ticket on your little plane to the moon please!!!!

Heehehehe!!! Wonderful pictures...wonderful post!

God bless ya and have a beautiful weekend sweetie!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

The ancient astronomers would have gone mad had they known it was white chocolate. I know that I'll never look at it in the same way again :-). Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Shug said...

White Chocolate Moon? Take me to the moon!
Great pictures of the moon and my goodness, what fun you all had...
My grandkids would love flying Phil's plane...Is this a hobby of his?
In some of the shots, the plane looks so big..
Have a great weekend Ginny...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

break news: men's second successful land on the month. Great photo.

LV said...

Men and their toys. Looks like his plane did not want anything to do with the moon.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! :-)

I'll take white chocolate over stinky old moon cheese any day :-)

Take care Ginny and have a nice weekend :-)

BTW, that rabbit wouldn't last long around here :-)

LC said...

One of my favorite scriptures and i enjoyed the glimpse of Phil's piloting with the moon as a backdrop.

Regina said...

Well that's exactly what it looks like you did.. I've only heard of the cow that jumped over the moon! These are perfect shots!! Chocolate is fine with me too! Love the Psalms-

Doris Sturm said...

I got a similar photo last night when the moon was out and it was not dark yet.

When I was small, I used to borrow my grandpa's binoculars and stare at the moon till I could see the "man in the moon" and I was enthralled...always have loved staring at the moon - must mean I'm a lunatic LOL

srp said...

I took some pictures of the moon too and this time instead of using my ubber zoom lens.. I tried out the macro lens. It worked better at my daughter's graduation than the zoom. Still, the moon shots are my nemesis.

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